Beauty, is Skin Deep. Beauty, knows No Colour.

P.S. I'll try to get a post up about my current skincare routine before I fly off on Sunday! :-) If I can't I'll type out a post on the plane and post up when I arrive in Seoul!

That was what I said almost 2 months ago. :-') I'm so sorry. I've been so busy with school (learning how to code a HTML banner and responsive web is TORTUROUS) and I'm only about 1/4 into composing the post on my skincare routine but I doubt I can finish it anytime soon. It'll be my holiday in about 2 weeks' time so I'l use the time then to finish up the posts and hopefully, along with some reviews. :)

As you can see from the title, I will be touching a little about skin colour.

As a child, I've ALWAYS been judged by my skin colour. I was born pretty dark, because of the genes from the paternal side of my family. All I've heard since I could understand human language was, "Omg you're so dark! Omg you're so ugly!" Do you know how hurtful it is to hear your dance teacher tell you, "You're so dark and ugly. But I have to put you at the front because you're short." As a 9 year old, I was hurt. I was fucking hurt. Do these people even have any feelings at all..? You're telling that to a 9 year old?

The question is,"Whose fault is it?" Did I ask to be born dark? Did I ask to be born ugly? Nope I didn't. I then asked them, "Then why do you guys have to have such bad genes?" But it isn't their fault either. Nobody's at fault. Nobody can choose how they want to look like. I was brought up to believe that being tanned and dark was ugly. But now? No. Not because I'm all grown up and I'm not dark and tanned like I used to be, but because I believe that beauty, is skin deep, and that beauty, knows NO colour. 

Beyonce is Beautiful.
Cara Delevingne is Beautiful.
Tyra Banks is Beautiful.
Scarlett Johansson is Beautiful.
Jennifer Lawrence is Beautiful.
Oprah Winfrey is Beautiful.

And YOU, girl, are beautiful (Guys, you're beautiful too, or handsome, if you'd like that better). Don't let anyone tell you you're not.

How do skin colour or a pretty face decide if you're truly beautiful or not? You don't have to have a pretty face to be beautiful. There are many ways to be beautiful. For example, my mom's not the prettiest woman on Earth but she's one of the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life, despite all the arguments at times, lol. She's strong, she's kind, she's smart and she loves my family and I. That's beautiful. To me.

What's your definition of beauty?

1 comment

Miko said...

Same here! I was always dark since young, but I kind of got over it by getting tanner through swimming lols. even now, still dark, shade 23 is still a little too light for me :S